COMMUNION OF SAINTS 461 Hark! The Church Proclaims Her Honor Eph. 1: 4 8. 7. 8. 7. Das ist Gemeine Stärke Samuel Preiswerk, 1844 Tr., Catherine Winkworth, 1858 Lobt den Herrn, die Morgensonne Evangelisches Choralbuch Halle, 1829 low our what is at fore He on we our will her fol days, guard strength His sight be ly word, dim, gan; this: then! fleet Church Church ward, and His The pro For ing hath 3 Frail 2 He 1 Hark! On 4 spair pow found hon ed, ing, ers, or, naught are firm claims de our ly her And He Short Calm Lord. Him. can. His. our by we is A to first as doth ness sen warks she men. God We, And Thus choice foes choice sor and the and His sur up joy own sin laid through we by hath Faith We Build And not wit cho bul work ful were her the bear ou round on row ing rs, ed, her, 5 Though we here must strive in weakness, Though in tears we often bend, What His might began in meekness Shall achieve a glorious end.